Last Post for 2018

We are a little late in posting but here is an update as to where the boat is. The boat is in heated winter storage at Winter Harbor in Brewerton, NY off the Erie Canal. We will rejoin the boat when the Erie Canal opens in late May of 2018.

Mileage recap for 2018 is 1778 miles since leaving Norfolk,VA May of 2018. That makes for a total milage of 5528 miles since leaving Texas with side trips to Key West and the Bahamas.

At the docks at Winter Harbor ready for storage.

Picton 8/ 29/2018

We left Belleville and came the 30 miles or so into Picton.  We’ve got time to kill and Picton seemed like a great spot to do that.  Also we’ve watched the weather and higher winds and some rain were forecasted for a few days and we wanted to be tied up and be able to run AC if we needed to close up the boat during the rain.  Picton is on the north side of Prince Edward County and we had come through here when we rented a car, so we knew it would be a sweet spot.  It is well protected from south winds and that’s exactly what we’ve been having. Continue reading Picton 8/ 29/2018

Belleville and Prince Edward County 8/27/2018

My actual title for this post ought to be “Taking It Slow and Easy” because that is exactly what we’re doing at this point in our trip.  Our only commitment of time is to be in Clayton on 9/1 to meet up with Roy and Karen Shaw and that’s a fairly easy day cruise.  So, we’ve been in chill mode and taking time to do the extra stuff .   Continue reading Belleville and Prince Edward County 8/27/2018

Peterborough, “Get the Knife!!”, and south 8/21/2018

We just left Peterborough this morning and are now on our slow slog south to Brewerton, NY where we will leave Subject to Change for winter.  We’ll take it easy on the way back and hopefully hit a few places we haven’t been yet.  We aim to be back in Clayton, NY by Labor Day to meet up with Roy and Karen Shaw. Continue reading Peterborough, “Get the Knife!!”, and south 8/21/2018

North on the Trent Severn Waterway to Peterborough 8/11/2018

I work on this draft as we meander and zig zag up the Otonabee River, part of the Trent Severn Waterway.  We left the town wall in Hastings at 8 this morning and hope to arrive in Peterborough this afternoon in time to float the Peterborough Lock, the world’s highest hydraulic lift lock.  We’ll need to travel about 40 miles, lock through 2 locks, (19 and 20) before we get to the infamous lift lock 21.  At which point we will turn around, do it and lock 20 again before we find a spot on the wall in Peterborough for the night. Continue reading North on the Trent Severn Waterway to Peterborough 8/11/2018

Internet Again!!!!! Yes! Brockville, Grenedier, Howe Island, Clayton 8/2/2018

After almost two weeks with spotty to no internet service, we are back in the US and have super   WiFi.  Yup, back in the US, back in Clayton.  It’s a long story.

My last post had us leaving Clayton once we got our starter replaced.  We headed down the St. Lawrence River to Brockville, Ontario.  The plan was to stay a couple nights and then move on down the St. Lawrence a bit and check out a couple other Canadian towns before working our way back to Kingston.  The couple nights were extended when we couldn’t get into Prescott, our next choice and pending storms meant we wanted to be on a dock rather than at anchor.  We also extended our stay when we found that Belinda and Jim Wolfe, former DeFever owners were in their RV just a bit up the road from us. Continue reading Internet Again!!!!! Yes! Brockville, Grenedier, Howe Island, Clayton 8/2/2018

Clayton, NY 7/15- ?/2018

We arrived back in Clayton last Sunday and tied up at the Union Street Dock.  Yes, dock, not docks, as in there is only one.  This is not really a marina and only has a dozen or so slips, the wooden pier is in rough shape with loose boards, no WiFi, and the bathrooms are bare bones.  But it’s home for now and it’s free while we have work done on the boat.  It’s actually a pretty nice spot, location wise.  We have a wonderful view of the St. Lawrence and can sit on the back deck and watch freighters come and go.  We get great sunsets.  And, we’re just a short walk to town. Continue reading Clayton, NY 7/15- ?/2018

Back in the good ol’ USA. 7/15/2018

My last post was while we were in Kingston with Mark and Beth.  Since then we have returned to the US and spent time with great friends, Lisa and Alan Davis and their extended clan, at their  summer camp in White’s Bay.  After a short cruise up to Sackett’s Harbor, we are taking a couple days to regroup, replan, replenish and relax.  We have had to handle unexpected repair issues and adjust our summer cruising goal.  We hope to get the repairs completed next week.  Meanwhile we will be researching our upcoming cruising area, the Trent Severn Waterway. Continue reading Back in the good ol’ USA. 7/15/2018

Bath, Gananoque, Kingston and more 7/7/2018

We have had a whirlwind week and I’ve been chastised for my lack of blogging.  I think I have good reason.  We’ve been pretty busy between having wonderful friends visiting us and having to deal with not wonderful boat issues.  I won’t  go into the dirty details of the problems- if you own a boat, there will always be problems- but give you just a snippet.   Continue reading Bath, Gananoque, Kingston and more 7/7/2018