Ghost town, Gila Cliff Dwellings, and more. May 2021

I realized as I reread my last post that I haven’t said anything about our long term plans. This blog started as a way to document our boating travels. In prior years, I have told you about our adventures aboard SubJect to Change, our 49’ trawler. So what are we doing in New Mexico on a 24’ RV? A short recap here- Our trawler is still snug in heated storage in Cheboygan, Mi. Heated because it is still very cold up there. Tim acquiesced to my wanderlust February 2020 and agreed to buy the RV as long as I agreed to continue boating. Not a hard deal for me since I love traveling on both. So the RV has become our mode of transportation to wherever the boat is. This year we plan to be on the road to the boat for about 6 weeks. We’re heading west, thru parts of New Mexico and Arizona then north thru Utah to maybe Idaho, possibly into Wyoming, definitely South Dakota, on to Minnesota and we are booked Memorial Day weekend in Bailey Harbor, Door County, Wi. The boat is scheduled for drop in on June 9, but we can adjust that a bit if we want to. As with most of our travels, some stops are scheduled, but many we leave to whim. We should name the RV -Subject to Change II- but that would be unwieldy. Anyway, that’s what’s happening.

6 thoughts on “Ghost town, Gila Cliff Dwellings, and more. May 2021”

    1. Do you remember that we used to have a boat named Wanderlust. The Beneteau 39.

  1. Loved to hear about your long-term plans.

    All is well here – it is beginning to look like spring. I love to see the tulip blooming all over town.

  2. Thanks for the clarification. When you come through AZ, call to see if we’re home.

    1. We’re in northern Arizona now and going to start into Utah soon. I think we’ve already passed you. 😟

  3. I just want to know, did Tim climb that rickety ladder at Gila or did he take the stairs? ;^) ( I’ll admit, I took the stairs…. while my travel mate took the ladder. lol )

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