The Oswego is going to open tomorrow- Tues., May 28

We had just settled in for the day here at the Davis camp, fireplace warming the cabin, watching the rain and wind on Lake Ontario when the call we’ve been waiting for came in. The Oswego Canal will be opened tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29 at 7am and Subject to Change is scheduled to hit the water this afternoon. Yee Haw!! Once the happy dancing stopped, we started to focus on reality. There is a beautiful weather window opening up for Wednesday and Thursday. After that, the weather goddess slams it shut again. Even if we get on the boat this afternoon and start checking the systems, then provisioned the boat on Wednesday, we still have a day of travel to get to Oswego and Lake Ontario. The best we could do is be waiting in Oswego Thursday night to cross the lake. But reality tells us that we would miss the last opportunity to cross for several days. So it looks we’ll stick with the fireplace tonight and begin the next leg of our adventures tomorrow.

Where have we been while we couldn’t stay on the boat? We’ve been in White’s Bay, NY, just down from Henderson Harbor. This is “camp” for our old sailing buddy, Alan Davis. His grandparents bought a couple cabins on the lake and his mom enjoyed sailing here as a girl. It became the family compound where Alan and his cousins also spent summers and learned to sail and enjoy all things boating. Alan’s mom, Linda and uncle, Gene, both have cozy cabins that get opened up every Memorial Day and are closed Labor Day. Alan’s wife, Lisa, was Tim’s Hobie 18 crew back in the day and plans to be our #1 first mate on the trip to Quebec City.

Linda generously treated the group to a special camp lobster dinner. Maggie had her first introduction to the feisty crustaceans.

Lisa and Linda enjoy a little lobster play.
Maggie is introduced to her first lobster.
Fresh hot steamed lobster. Time to sit down and dig in.

One of the many jobs involved with opening up camp is putting the dock and boat lift in the water. With the water higher than usual and having 3 helpers, Alan was excited about the prospect of getting these jobs done without getting into the 50 degree water.

Look at those sexy legs styling in Linda’s polka dot boots. Baby oh baby!

Pushing the dock down the hill where it was stored for winter.

Floats are tied to the end of the dock.
Alan and his able crew tow the dock next to the boat ramp.
Poles are set in place to hold the dock in position.

The dock is in. Now it’s time for the boat lift.

Again, Alan and able crew, Lisa, maneuver the boat lift into position.

Notice the wise use of Hobie Cat Tracs for flotation.

The last job of the day was hooking up the water line that sucks lake water for irrigation. Alan was quite pleased with himself that both the dock and the boat lift went in with no one getting wet. We just needed luck to hold a little bit longer…..

The first part of this task was to pull the old hose end off the barbed fitting that ran through the sea wall and up to the pump. Lisa decided to have the first go at it.

She’s got quite the technique going for her.

Alan gives it a try.

Oops, so much for no one getting wet.

Alan gives in. Time to get the suit on and get to business.

Tim and Maggie are helpful supervisors.

Rewarded at the end of a hard day’s work.

Dinner at Sackett’s Harbor Brewery.

Since we worked so hard on Sunday, Tim. Lisa and I decided on Monday it was time for a road trip to check on Lock 2 in Phoenix and then take a look at Lake Ontario in Oswego.

The LockMaster in Phoenix was as surprised as we were that the locks hadn’t been opened yet.
There was a lot of water flowing over the dam, but it shouldn’t affect the locking of boats.

We had lunch at Rudy’s in Oswego overlooking Lake Ontario
Wow! It would have been a near perfect day for crossing the Lake.

So, you are caught up. Today is cold, windy and rainy. Pretty much YUK, but we are happy campers and celebrating. The locks are opening tomorrow, Subject to Change is in the water and all is right with the world.

Now, if we can only find a weather window……. Stay tuned

5 thoughts on “The Oswego is going to open tomorrow- Tues., May 28”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful get-together with your friends – and a beautiful place.

    1. Paula, just scroll all the way down to the bottom of my post and there is a box to check if you want to be notified by email.

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